Shoreline Aquatic Park
Long Beach, CA

Karaoke 5k is a family-friendly event that is open to participants of all ages and abilities, including runners, walkers and strollers. Experience a fun run through the Shoreline Aquatic Park along the water.
All participants will receive a race shirt, finishers medal, and post-race entertainment from a live karaoke band! Refreshments will also be available through our local food trucks, face painting, and more. It is truly an unforgettable race experience for all.
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete going for a personal record, signing up for your first 5K, or simply want to cheer on the many participants while raising awareness about childhood cancer, we hope you’ll be part of the 7th Annual Karaoke 5k. Your participation is appreciated and in support of the Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation's mission to help fund, find, and fuel cures for every child, everywhere.
Together, we will beat childhood cancer.
Join us Saturday, September 7th at 9am.
Registration opens at 8am.
All funds raised benefit childhood cancer research at Beat Childhood Cancer.